Keson ST Series Closed Case Steel Tape Measure, 50'


Item #ST5018
UPC: 52837010394

Keson ST Series Closed Case Steel Tape Measure, 50'


Item #ST5018
UPC: 52837010394
Product Details
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Our standard Steel Tape (ST) series tapes come in a durable metal housing. These long, steel tapes have a compact, closed, metal case that fits nicely in your hand. The flush-folding crank pops up for easy rewinding. If you’re measuring alone, the metal catch hook is set at zero, so there’s no need for a correction. The graduations are painted black on a durable, bright-yellow steel blade.


  • Closed, metal housing protects the tape.
  • Compact, fits easily into briefcase or even a pocket.
  • Rewind handle folds flush.

ST501801039450 ftft, in, 1/8Hook EndHookG1
